Whimsical Art, Sweet Treats & Enchanted Stories

My sketch from last week did not exactly come out in this painting did it? After a week of isolation and wondering when I will be able to see my family and friends again my colors seem to have darkened.  I believe many people in our life are feeling the exact same way just like the flowers some of us feel strong and faithful while others are weakening and need some help to rise up and hang on.  My favorite flowers are …. not sunflowers but daisies , simple, passionate and loving.  No matter what your favorite flower is and how it reflects you as a person …be that person for someone out there that could use a connection.   Writing a letter, or an email to someone just to remind them they are being missed might be exactly what helps them make it through another day of isolation.   My mom is 83 years old and I have seen the changes in her the past few weeks as this virus has begun to spread .. she is quiet and her sparkle has dimmed so I took today and we made a greek dish together , we baked together and I heard her laughter again… Reach out.. if you can’t physically be with someone you care out.. you can still let them know you love them, miss them and are sending them a flower for hope…   .. .. Humble and Kind is simply an extension of last weeks Hero sketch… and the whole time I was painting I kept wishing my dad was still here … he would know what to say to my mom to make her feel safe and …. then I would feel safe too.  We all have a story to share and we express ourselves differently for me it s my art , cooking … music .. writing.. what is it for you? Whatever it is.. find a way to share it.. so that you are still connecting and making a difference out there.

Take a listen to this song by Tim McGraw.. the words…. inspired me, and reminded me to keep standing tall , not just for myself but for everyone I love… just like the flowers.. stay Humble and kind.   Until we meet again, Katerini


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