Whimsical Art, Sweet Treats & Enchanted Stories



My mind has been swaying back and forth lately as I am sure all of you have had some mixed feelings about what is happening out there right now.  There are days when I cannot bring myself to a positive space and so I choose not to fight it but to feel it.  This is a terrible time, people are getting sick, others are losing loved ones .. I feel it all happening around me and I want to do something to help but what?   There are food drives, blood drives, donations and acts of kindness all around me .. how can I help?

The first step into giving back is giving a little hope back to myself. There is still good happening out there in the nurses, the doctors , all the health care workers, police officers , TTC, the list goes on… the world hasn’t stopped turning even though it feels as though it has at times…

My Art is me speaking from my heart, It is an expression of who I am, what I love, who I love, my dreams, my hopes my emotions.  What better way to help .. by giving a small piece of myself to the world I am sharing my love.

So I am painting Art cards and selling them as a pack of 4 for 25.00.  The entire amount will be donated to one of my favorite charities “The Yonge St. Mission”.  I will continue to paint these cards and donate the earnings as I sell them to the Mission.   I know the funds will go to a good place where it will make a difference in someone’s life. Even if it feeds two people.. that is two people less hungry .. .. I need to find ways to share my heart and these Art cards are my way…

So please keep following my posts and if you see a set that connect with you, message me … I will donate any sales I make from these Art cards to the Mission in the month and May and June .. hoping and praying it will reach someone who needs the help and the love.

Kindness can’t be measured by a value or an amount… just be kind .. and already you are making a difference.. one step at a time.

This series is called “Rise up” .. and I encourage you to be sad if you want to, cry if you need to .. and Rise up because… as they keep saying through out this whole ordeal.. we are all in this together!

Until we meet again,  Katerini

Take a listen to “Underdog” by Alicia Keys… it will get you up and get you smiling! because we are creative and so much of ourselves to share.

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